We at Andrejs believe that is important to have the proper procedures, rules and policies in place. Many Condominiums still have just basic rules from the original developer prepared package, have no written policies or perhaps never had the documentation, we feel is necessary to run a proper operation. We have produced numerous documents, as listed below, that can be easily customized to suit the individual requirement of each Corporation.
To establish the most effective procedure for enforcing Rules that maximizes voluntary compliance and creates the necessary documentation in the event of legal proceedings.
All the rules, policies and procedures you can think of and adapt to the needs of your Corporations.
A complete and extensive Plan required by each Condominium.
A comprehensive set of Standing Orders that deals with every situation encountered by Security personnel.
General specifications have been designed by Andrejs and reviewed by engineering firms and other experts in the various fields, for all major contracts to help you when tendering a contract.
A list of the steps that you must follow to collect your receivables and placing a lien.
Job Descriptions for Management and on-site staff that can be adapted to needs.
A standard performance review to rate the performance of your employees.
Guidelines on what to do and what not to do when investing your Corporation's Reserve Fund.
A complete list of items that must be addressed on an annual basis and scheduling.