We offer comprehensive, professional management for your condominium. A team of knowledgeable, experienced support staff backs the Property Manager selected as the specialist most suited to your specific requirements. We will provide the best, most cost-effective service possible.


There are inspections that should be performed from time to time, by engineers or contractors and not the Property Manager. These inspections are invaluable in ensuring that the mechanical and structural components operate at optimum efficiency and for the full extent of their useful life.


In addition to preventive maintenance services we at Andrejs believe that it is important that both our staff and the staff of the Corporation are trained in all areas that affect job performance. Because of the existing legislation respecting the workplace, it is important that staff is acquainted with the changes in order to protect everyone from potential dangers. We provide the necessary training with the assistance of our suppliers. Areas addressed are: Building Operations, Mechanical, Air-conditioning and ventilation, First Aid/CPR, Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems, Health & Safety.